Experience offered by Fishtail:

·  Expert advisor for WHO (World Health Organisation) on medical equipment specifications

·  Author of WHO’s guidelines on equipment procurement

·  Biomedical equipment consultant for Crown Agents in India and Nepal

·  Consultant for biomedical training materials for NSI, Nepal

·  Consultant equipment advisor for North Bristol NHS Trust, UK

·  Clinical Scientist in Urodynamics for Bristol Urological Institute, UK

·  Contributor to Ziken/DFID healthcare technology management guidelines

· Project Director and Medical equipment engineer/trainer for International Nepal Fellowship, Nepal

·  Design and development at the Bath Institute of Medical Engineering

Andrew’s professional qualifications include:

·  Chartered Engineer with the Institution of Engineering & Technology

·  Chartered Scientist with the Institute of Physics & Engineering in Medicine

·  Registered Clinical Scientist through the Health Professional Council

Email or call for a full CV and more details of what we can offer

Registered in England 5288838








Click here to watch and listen to Andrew Gammie talk about the Appropriate Healthcare Technologies for Developing Countries Conference